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Rehab services focused on the
whole patient.

We will work with you to develop a custom
treatment plan built around your individual

The Inpatient Rehabilitation Center, commonly known as the Blue Roof, is a 20-bed facility with the goal of assisting patients and their families with the transition from an acute hospital setting to home.

When patients are referred to us, they are considered by their physicians to be medically stable and physically able to begin a comprehensive rehabilitation program.

The inpatient therapy team at Cookeville Regional works with patients to create and carry out the best course of treatment for conditions that limit the ability to move, play sports or perform daily activities.

Our skilled team of therapists help prevent further injury, reduce pain, and maximize physical functioning.

All therapy programs are customized to meet the individual’s needs, as tolerance to therapy amounts varies.

Inpatient Rehab is open 7:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. We welcome visitors to come during our open hours. An Inpatient Rehab visiting tip is to visit after 3 p.m. as most patients are in therapy throughout the day until 3 p.m.

Contact Us

Cookeville Regional Inpatient Rehab Center

215 W. 6th St.
Cookeville, TN 38501
Open 7:30 a.m. – 9 p.m.

Inpatient rehab services

Physical therapy
Occupational therapy
Speech therapy

What To Expect

Looking at physical symptoms is only part of the treatment. Our treatment plan focuses on the whole person.

In the beginning, you may be asked to participate in a series of evaluations. It is critical that we perform a complete assessment, because your treatment program will be based on the needs that are identified. We will tell you as much as we know about your condition and keep you informed on how we think you're progressing.

Therapy may take place in both individual and group treatment settings, and sessions will be scheduled for various times throughout the day.

We will want you to be as active as possible. Many of your meals will be served in the dining room. Because of this increased level of activity, you will naturally be somewhat tired. But this should improve as you gradually regain your strength.

You will receive a follow-up call about two weeks after discharge and again at three months to discuss your concerns and check on your progress.

As we said before, your program will be challenging. But you can expect our full support and encouragement. Your needs and goals are our top priority.

Treatment may focus on ambulation, muscle strengthening and coordination, use of adaptive equipment, independent living skills, cognitive and communication skills, bowel and bladder management, and psychological adjustment.

Treatment plans are coordinated and managed by a group of health care professionals who are trained and experienced in rehabilitation medicine, which may include a rehabilitation physician; physical, occupational, speech and recreational therapists; rehabilitation nurses; and a social worker.

The team meets at regular intervals to discuss each patient's progress and make necessary adjustments to the treatment plan.

The outcomes of these conferences are always shared with the patients. Patients know that each improvement they make will bring new goals for tomorrow, giving them hope for the future.


Education can help patients return to a productive lifestyle, protect themselves from re-injury and assist in making routine activities a little easier. Education may address joint protection, energy conservation, pain management, fall prevention and other vital techniques.

Family members are also educated on their loved one’s condition and how to assist him/her. They are taught how to access available community resources, services and support groups.


Prior to discharge, the rehab team will meet with the patient and family to make sure that the necessary support system is in place once the patient leaves and to solve any potential issues. Follow-up phone calls are placed to the patient after discharge to ensure his/her continued progress and to address any remaining needs.


We will need your complete attention and best efforts during all activities. A positive attitude is absolutely necessary to the success of your program.

You may be asked to perform tasks in a new way, and you must be willing to accept new ideas. Please let us know your thoughts and feelings.


We encourage family members to be involved in your treatment by giving moral support and observing therapy sessions. We may ask to have a conference with your family to talk about your goals, the progress you’ve made and your plans for discharge.

Inpatient Rehab is open 7:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. We welcome visitors to come during our open hours. An Inpatient Rehab visiting tip is to visit after 3 p.m. as most patients are in therapy throughout the day until 3 p.m.

Rehab Staff

Travis J Schuitema: 931-783-2850

Lisa Williams: 931-783-2872

Cathy Stacy: 931-783-2872

Harrison Matthew Falwell, DO

What to bring

You will need a week’s supply of comfortable clothing:

  • loose-fitting shirts or blouses
  • loose-fitting pants or shorts
  • sturdy, low-heeled shoes or sneakers
  • undergarments/socks nightgown or pajamas/robe
  • sweater

Remember to bring all necessary personal items, such as eyeglasses, hearing aids, cosmetics and toiletries.

Photographs and hobby items, such as books, puzzles and needlepoint, can help you adjust to your new environment. It is best to leave valuables (cash, jewelry) at home.

Financial information

Most major health insurance carriers are accepted, including Medicare. In some cases, payment may be available through workman’s compensation. Detailed information is available upon request.


Patients can be referred and admitted from home, hospital or other facility. A member of the rehabilitation team will perform a preadmission screening on every potential patient within four hours of the referral. This is to determine if the patient’s specific condition may benefit from a comprehensive rehabilitation program. There is no charge for this evaluation. The medical director is responsible for authorizing a patient’s admission to the program.

Referrals can be made by physicians, social workers, nurses, discharge planners, other health care providers, insurance providers or the patient and/or family member directly.

The following guidelines may be helpful in determining the appropriateness of a patient referral:

  • Disability is of recent impairment that limits functional ability.
  • Patient has physical impairment that limits functional ability.
  • Assistance is required in activities of daily living and/or the use of adaptive equipment.
  • Medical complications have caused a dramatic decline in physical functioning.
  • Intensive rehabilitation services are required, and the patient has not previously participated in rehab or there has been a significant change in patient’s condition.